Elections begin today for eight representatives to join the Bronxville Non-Partisan Committee (NPC). One representative from each of Bronxville’s seven voting districts will be elected to serve a three-year term.
This year, District 20 will also elect a representative to serve a one-year term to replace a member who is unable to complete the final year of their term. In District 20, the candidate that receives the most votes will serve a three-year term and the candidate that receives the 2nd most number of votes will serve a one-year term.
The candidates (in alphabetical order) seeking membership on the NPC are:
District 16: Sandra Borducci
District 17: Jonathan Barnes, Jamie Schwartz
District 18: Holt Goddard, Vincent McBride
District 19: Steve Krause, Alexandra Remmel, Kate Milliken Vaughey
District 20: Tracey Di Brino, Antoinette O'Connell, Jose Rodriguez
District 21: Anne Marie Hein Niogi
District 22: Michael Girimonti
Voting continues through June 10th. All residents of Bronxville are eligible and encouraged to vote for the representative in their district.
Statements from each candidate are available within the voting link.
Questions regarding the election can be directed to the NPC email bxv_npc@yahoo.com
The NPC is made up of twenty-one members, three elected from each of Bronxville’s seven voting districts.
The NPC’s role is to recruit, vet, and endorse candidates to run for the Bronxville School Board of Trustees. The committee meets regularly throughout the year for this purpose.
The Bronxville Non Partisan Committee
Please visit our website: www.bronxvillenpc.org